Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Well this is starting a little differently than expected!

Welcome to Brides & Bowties!

In the last few months I have become maid of honor for one of my best friends and a bridesmaid for two other very close friends! Having a degree in event planning, a personal obsession with weddings, and recently obtaining these wedding roles; I figured I would have plenty to write about!

Over the last few weeks, I have been deciding on the perfect name, researching for the best host site, and gathering my first few topics. As I was deciding to create this blog as an outlet for personal experiences and knowledge in the wedding world, I didn't think I would also be able to contribute as a bride to be!

Just last Friday, May 17th, 2013 my boyfriend of seven years got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! So here I am, writing my very first blog post and I am now a fiancé, a bride to be, future Mrs. Ritchie!

Now if I were reading this, I'd have to know: how did he propose?!?

Let me start by saying that my boyfriend is a chef at a local steakhouse here in Chico, California. He had the night off and said, "Why don't we have a date night and eat dinner at the steakhouse?" The food there is excellent and we hadn't been there in a while, so of course I wasn't going to say no. It just so happens that we were around the time of seven years together (we don't have a dating anniversary) and Matt decided to say this night was to celebrate that.

So we order dinner and are enjoying our time together. Let me mention that during this time, my best friend (my boyfriend's twin sister) and our very good friend are eating at the bar. They had said they were going to go there to get the amazing bar burger, so I definitely didn't think much of it. Here is a picture that they snuck of us:

 (Can you say the spotlight is on us??)
 After dinner, my boyfriend tells me that he made a chocolate truffle cake for a special order tonight and really wanted to show it to me. He said it is in the wine room, in the room next door. As we go to look, the restaurant is full and I come to see that the wine room has a big glass wall. I start to think; all these people are probably wondering what we are doing in there. As we walk in, I see the cake and it is beautiful.

 (Seven truffles on top for seven years together)
He then says, look at this and flicks a switch to make this painting start scrolling down. At this point I'm thinking, what is behind that screen and why does he want to show me this?? The moment that screen went down, was a moment I will never forget. Written on the mirror was "Will you marry me?"

 I am now wide eyed staring at those words, reading them over and over. Matt grabs the ring off the shelf and gets down on one knee and says, "Will you marry me?" The cutest part, was later he said he had a whole speech and everything he was going to say all planned out but when the moment came, it all went out the door and he went right to the will you marry me part!

(After I said yes, I couldn't remember what hand the ring went on!)

As I of course say yes, he stands up, we kiss and everyone behind us is watching, and starts clapping and 'awing'. We were handed champagne and soon greeted my our friends and the staff congratulating us. I am still in complete shock at this point, and everything is such a whirlwind. I still couldn't believe what just happened!

 He picked out such an amazing ring, and he truly pulled off a surprise engagement! I have been and still am on cloud 9! Everyday life does have to carry on, which now I see how you just want time to stand still and be able to take in such an amazing moment together! 

(This thing has become a driving hazard for me and others on the road! I get so distracted! Is this really mine???)
I was not expecting my first post to be about MY OWN engagement, but nonetheless it is quite a special topic to share!